Most of us know Samuel Adams from high school history class—or, at the very least, as the face of the popular Boston-based beer. But Adams is also alive and well at the Boston Tea Party
Boston Pride celebrations don’t end—or begin, for that matter—with the grand Pride Festival on City Hall Plaza. Several block parties take place in neighborhoods all over the city, bringin
The culmination of Boston Pride (refer to listing, page 16), the 45th annual celebration of the Hub’s LGBT community, the Boston Pride Parade takes place on the streets of the Back Bay and Sou
Much like Boston’s famed Back Bay, the South End was mainly a product of the Victorian era when acres of new land were created through ambitious landfill projects. In fact, many of the b
One of the biggest events of the spring, Boston Pride Week, officially kicks off its 40th year on June 5 at noon with a flag-raising ceremony at City Hall Plaza. From there, the LGBT and a
One of the best ways to explore U.S. history in Boston is to walk the Freedom Trail. For those who want to take a few steps off that iconic path and still get a glimpse of the formative ye
When Beverly Morgan-Welch left her corporate job to be the Executive Director at the Museum of African American History, the organization didn’t even have computers. “It was like being
Now is your last chance to see the work of one of the great Renaissance masters right here in Boston. Through June 14, the Museum of Fine Arts (refer to listing, page 19) hosts the exhibit
With a 385-year history, Boston has produced its share of memorable landmarks and institutions. Here are some of its most famous. Faneuil Hall MarketplaceConsisting of Quincy Market (pictured), t