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High Five: Tasty Tapas
With their small portions and high prices, Spanish-style tapas could have been a fleeting trend in the culinary world — but they appear to be here to stay. The plates may be petite, but they're big on flavor.
Boston Accent: A Perfect Pair

Jimmy Morgan and Alex Shaughnessy enter the senior ranks at Nationals

The first time Jimmy Morgan and Alex Shaughnessy skated together, there was no magic spark. Four years later, they’re competing among the nation’s elite at the U.S. Figure Skating Championships at TD Garden.
Ice, Ice Baby: Where to Skate
Unless you’re a hockey player or a figure skater, chances are you don’t get around ice rinks often, making it all the more exciting when outdoor rinks begin to open around the city. Bundle up, gra
Boston Holiday Events Guide 2013
Boston’s holiday season is in full swing with more fun and festivities than you can shake a cinnamon stick at. From classic holiday productions to a nearly nude race, the season’s offerings will appeal to even the Scroogiest sorts.
March 2025
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