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Celebrating History

Faneuil Hall Marketplace Merchant’s Association President Carol Troxell discusses the historic shopping, dining and entertainment destination’s 40th anniversary

Faneuil Hall Marketplace is celebrating its 40th anniversary with an array of events on the weekend of August 26–28.
Shining a Light

Keeper of Boston Light Sally Snowman illuminates the history of America’s most historic lighthouse

There is only one lighthouse left in America that is still staffed: U.S. Coast Guard light station Boston Light on Little Brewster Island
Party with Patriots
 Another highlight of Boston Harborfest takes place at the Boston Tea Party Ships & Museum, which hosts Revelry on Griffin’s Wharf July 1–3 from 7–9 p.m. For a $15 admission fee ($10 fo
Best of the Fest
 As difficult as it is to believe, Independence Day is right around the corner, and there’s no greater sign of this than Boston Harborfest (refer to listing, page 18). Taking place July 1–4,
Guide To The South End
 Get to know the neighborhood that’s a bastion of hip restaurants, art galleries, hidden landmarks and Boston’s LGBTQ culture Union ParkThis area—lined with the neighborhood’s signature
Circle of Life
 The Rose Kennedy Greenway (617-292-0020, rosekennedygreenway.org) has certainly attracted a lot of attention since its official debut in 2008. This linear park system covering the area where the
March 2025
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