Home / Articles / Sights / Party with Patriots
By Scott Roberto / June 20, 12:00 AM
Party with Patriots


Another highlight of Boston Harborfest takes place at the Boston Tea Party Ships & Museum, which hosts Revelry on Griffin’s Wharf July 1–3 from 7–9 p.m. For a $15 admission fee ($10 for children), visitors to this after-hours celebration can engage in colonial games and scavenger hunts, as well as enjoy interactive performances by period-costumed guides and explore the museum and its two replica ships, the Beaver and the Eleanor. Tickets include free iced tea and popcorn, and other food and drinks—including beer, wine, rum drinks, hard cider, clam chowder, sandwiches and cookies—are available for purchase in Abigail’s Tea Room. And, of course, you can still throw some tea into the harbor, just as Paul Revere and the rest of the Sons of Liberty did on that fateful night in 1773.

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