Since relocating to its current perch on Boston Harbor in 2006, Boston’s Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA), in the city’s bustling Seaport district, has been inviting a wide array of innovative artists to adorn the Sandra and Gerald Fineberg Art Wall in its lobby for a long-term installation. This fall—beginning November 3, in fact—the ICA debuts a new work by one of the biggest names in contemporary art over the last four decades when the latest iteration in this series is unveiled. Barbara Kruger—known for her innovative use of words and images along with typography in her preferred, in-your-face Futura bold font—transforms the lobby of the ICA into the text-based, three part masterpiece Untitled (Hope/Fear) that’s sure to confront viewers with thought-provoking ideas about the current political climate and women’s place in society and no doubt will remain relevant through January 21, 2024, when it’s scheduled to come down. While you’re there, check out some of the ICA’s latest shows, including the recently opened To Begin Again: Artists and Childhood, which gathers works by such luminaries as Jean-Michel Basquiat, Paul Klee, Duane Hanson and Faith Ringgold that have been inspired by children and their impact on the world.