Home / Articles / Culture / Genius At Work
By Scott Roberto / May 27, 12:00 AM
Genius At Work


 Now is your last chance to see the work of one of the great Renaissance masters right here in Boston. Through June 14, the Museum of Fine Arts (refer to listing, page 19) hosts the exhibit Leonardo da Vinci and the Idea of Beauty, which features 29 works on paper by the artistic and scientific genius and his contemporaries, including Michelangelo. Highlights include a study for da Vinci’s famed painting Virgin of the Rocks (pictured)—once referred to by the late art historian Sir Kenneth Clark as “the most beautiful…in the world”—and a rarely displayed codex page on flight that contains a near-hidden self-portrait of Leonardo as a young man that was recently discovered. With loans from several prominent collections in Italy, this show is one that any Renaissance man or woman will run, not walk to by the 14th.

Photo: Leonardo Da Vinci, about 1483-85

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