Frost Ice Bar drops the temperature at Faneuil Hall

After suiting up in the provided gloves and parkas, we felt a little bit like a walking sleeping bag — this may not be the best bar for attracting potential love interests. We then ventured into the bar, which is kept at a bracing 21 degrees at all times. While our ankles were freezing (note to self: wear pants next time), our insides were warmed by the potent cocktails. Guests can choose from 10 different options, including the 1912 (Crop Cucumber Vodka, Altar Chi, ginger liqueur, ginger beer) and the Old North Ender (Reyka Vodka, Lemon Sorbet, Westport Rivers Sparkling Wine, Pallini Limoncello). The ice glasses (careful, they’re slippery) are shipped from New Zealand and are not reusable. You’ll be invited to smash them in a trash can on your way out the door.
Tickets to Frost are $18.99 for adults, $16.99 for students/seniors/military, and $12.99 for kids aged 6-12. Parkas and gloves are provided but drinks are an additional $11 for cocktails and $6 for nonalcoholic drinks. You can book your tickets in advance or when you get there. Entry times are every 15 minutes between noon and 10 p.m. daily, and the maximum stay is 45 minutes.