Home / Articles / Sights / Body Worlds Vital at Faneuil Hall
By Meagan McCarthy / November 13, 12:00 AM
Body Worlds Vital at Faneuil Hall

Faneuil Hall is welcoming some new tenants to the location of the former Comedy Connection club. These newcomers aren’t particularly funny or lively, but they’re certainly fascinating. Body Worlds Vital, the latest exhibit by physician and anatomist Gunther von Hagen, features real, preserved human bodies in various poses and conditions.

These bodies, donated by people who consented to having their remains used in the exhibit, have undergone a process called Plastination, invented by von Hagen. This process, which replaces fluids and fats with resins and polymers, preserves the bodies and makes them rigid. Once the skin is removed, everything beneath remains intact and visible. While the thought of this might make your skin crawl and prompt you to close your eyes tightly, the exhibit itself serves a greater purpose.

The exhibit explores anatomy, athletics, biology and kinesiology as well as the effects of brain disease, cancer, heart disease and diabetes on the body. Ultimately Body Worlds encourages making informed choices and lifestyle changes in order to avoid disease. When people understand more about how their bodies work, they’re empowered to take a more active role in their own health.

Opening November 22, Body Worlds will be on view until March on the second floor of Quincy Market. Audio guides are available to rent and can provide additional explanations and insight about the exhibit. More information can be found at bodyworldsboston.com/index.html.
Friday, Nov 22
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