Don't feel guilty if you crave a glass of wine and some carbs after an intense cycling class—we've all been there. And in a brilliant move, Aragosta Bar & Bistro is teaming up with Exhale Spa this fall for a little something they call Barre to Bar.
Here's how it works: Take any of Exhale's Core Fusion fitness classes—like boot camp or yoga—and afterward go straight to Aragosta Bar & Bistro for some delicious appetizers that are half-price Monday through Friday from 5-8 p.m. “The exercise classes are already a social event,” PR rep Suzanne Wenz says. “It’s a natural progression to go from doing something good for yourself and to continue doing it with friends at a fun, social place.” In other words, meet people who are as passionate about completing 15 push-ups or perfecting their warrior two pose as you are and reward yourself with some yummy food and wine.
Aragosta and Exhale are located at on the North End waterfront at Fairmont Battery Wharf. Find out more at aragostabistro.com and exhalespa.com/locations/battery-wharf.