Home / Articles / Culture / Q&A: Gilbert Gottfried at Laugh Boston
By Erica Jackson Curran / March 13, 12:00 AM
Q&A: Gilbert Gottfried at Laugh Boston


From the Aflac duck to Aladdin's pet parrot, Gilbert Gottfried has one of the most recognizable voices in showbiz. He's making a stop at Laugh Boston on Sun. March 16, and he took a few minutes to answer our questions before the show.

You've done so many different things in your career—writing, standup, voice-over work. Where do you feel most at home? What I feel most comfortable doing is taking a check afterwards. Whether it’s handed to me or it comes to me in the mailbox. What I feel uncomfortable doing is anything that takes intelligence.

Having worked as a comedian for so long, what are your thoughts on the changing face of the industry (social media, Netflix, etc.). How do you feel you're adjusting? Well, I realize now that Twitter is an expensive hobby to have.

You're very active on Twitter, and it's gotten you in trouble a few times. Do you try to censor yourself when you tweet now? Well, now before I tweet anything I think twice and then I do it anyway.

You're known for your dirty jokes… How do you keep coming up with new ones? Just how deep is that dirty joke well? The dirty joke well is very deep, slimy and disgusting. If you put your finger in it, it will rot your skin off.

Can you tell me a bit about your book Rubber Balls and Liquor? Friends of mine who have read the book say there are parts that seem touching and revealing that quickly veer off to filthy and immature. They said it was like talking to me in person.

Any thoughts on Boston you'd like to share? Things you like to do in the city? Does Boston have a Red Light District? 

What are you working on next? Getting through this interview.
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