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Something's Brewing
  An event eagerly anticipated by craft beer lovers each spring, the Boston Beer Summit has been satisfying thirsty locals for 16 years now. Coinciding with Boston Marathon weekend, this eve
A Fresh Taste in Town
 One of the most anticipated local restaurant openings of 2015 is upon us as Townsman (120 Kingston St., 617-993-0750, townsmanboston.com) has finally cut the ribbon on its downtown digs. So what
Dining Deals
 The semi-annual tradition known as Dine Out Boston returns for its winter edition, giving eager foodies the opportunity to try out prix fixe lunch and dinner specials at both new and old favorit
Hall Pass
 Break out of the winter doldrums with a visit to Boston’s iconic Faneuil Hall Marketplace, which features its Half Off at the Hall promotion through the end of March. Stop by for lunch or dinn
All the Shrimp That's Legal
 Winter may be oyster season, yet at Legal Sea Foods (refer to listing, page 61) locations throughout the Boston area, it’s shrimp season as well. To the delight of hungry crustacean fans, Lega
In Vino Veritas
 For oenophiles throughout the Boston area, the annual Boston Wine Expo is like the Super Bowl, Christmas and the Fourth of July all wrapped up into one grand event. Entering its 24th year, the f
Boston Diners
  Grab breakfast, lunch and more at these bastions of classic American cuisineSouth Street Diner (178 Kneeland St., 617-350-0028, southstreetdiner.com): Looking for great grub—from tuna me
From The Big Apple to Beantown
 When a beloved, acclaimed restaurant closes, its shoes can be hard to fill. Such is the case with the late, lamented French eatery Radius, which shuttered its Financial District space at 10 High
March 2025
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