Home / Articles / Shopping / MassArt Wearable Art on display at Copley Place
By Erica Jackson Curran / September 19, 12:00 AM
MassArt Wearable Art on display at Copley Place

Massachusetts College of Art and Design fashion design students were recently given an interesting challenge: To create an ensemble out of anything but textiles. Twenty-three crafty designers used everything from film to hair ties to mini window blinds for their creations, which will be on view in the center court area of Copley Place (100 Huntington Ave.) Sept. 13-Oct. 1. The designs will be featured at a live runway show along with alumni designs on Oct. 2, just in time for Boston Fashion Week.

“I looked for designs that would show the intricacy of construction, shaping, and form—designs that would capture the viewer as they got closer to the exhibit,” MassArt professor Jayne Avery said in a recent release. “Such an up-close view of these spectacular pieces—what a perfect way to experience fashion.”

Find out more at massart.edu.

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